Taylor Swift donated more than 700 million VND to help poor girls go to college /d

Taylor Swift continuously puts money into her pocket to help many difficult situations
Previously, on the fundraising platform GoFundMe, Vitoria Mario said her goal was to raise 40,000 pounds to be able to enter the university gate. The black female student revealed that she is qualified to major in Mathematics at the prestigious Warwick University with impressive achievements. Vitoria Mario explained that she did not meet the criteria to borrow social assistance loans because she did not have a house, her family had a low income and was not qualified to support her studies. “Sadly, my father passed away and my mother is still in Portugal. Leaving her was a big challenge for me, but it was a legitimate sacrifice in the family’s mind. If you want to receive a good education like in England, you have to make trade-offs,” the poor girl expressed.