Kim Kardashian gives her 8-year-old son a contract for her YouTube channel with surprising rules to follow

The clauses she has put in place, thanks to her knowledge of law, are most striking
Saint, the son of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West who just turned eight years old, has decided to open a YouTube channel.
But this that could be easy because of the lifestyle he sees around him… has not turned out to be so simple. Because first he has needed his mother’s approval to get it and he has done it through a series of rules.
“Saint signed a solid agreement for his YouTube channel. He better not break it.”, was the Kardashian’s message on her social networks. A full-fledged announcement.
The truth is that Kim has dusted off her knowledge of law and included certain specific rules that her son must comply with.
Here is the list of rules
“I am not allowed to comment on any personal family information”, ‘I am not allowed to record while North is making music’, and ‘I must show my mother or guardian all videos before posting them’, have been several of the clauses that have been ‘put’ on him.
And the most striking comes at the end. Kim Kardashian tries to ‘protect’ herself in such a way in colophon mode. “If I don’t comply with these rules, mom could make my page private or delete my account”.
After all this formality, Saint already has his active YouTube account under the name TheGoatSaint, and the businesswoman has not been slow to ask her followers to subscribe to support her son.