Kim Gordon: ‘My most controversial pop culture opinion? I’m not really a fan of Taylor Swift’

The musician and artist shares the best advice her mother gave her, the words she hates and who she’d like to play chess with
Your name always comes up whenever we ask any female musicians about their influences. Is there a Kim Gordon for Kim Gordon?
I never aspired to be a musician, so in that way, no. As a teenager, I listened to Billie Holiday and Joni Mitchell but I never actually thought it was possible to become a musician. I didn’t study or know anything about music. There are certainly artists, but not necessarily female artists, who I was influenced by – artists like Lucio Fontana or Yves Klein, even Andy Warhol.
Who is the most famous person in your phone?
Kristen Stewart.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
My mother once said, “Never give any money to political causes, because they won’t leave you alone after that.” I didn’t adhere to it. But it is true.
Kim Gordon: The Collective review – so close to the edge it sometimes falls off
Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
No. Well, I guess I kind of do. There’s probably life in another galaxy, but I don’t have any interest in us starting life on another planet. I feel like we’re damn near destroying this one, and now we’re just gonna go to destroy another one?