The claims about Jimmy Kimmel ending his nighttime show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, have spread on Facebook. A post alleged that the television host opted to do...
Gene Deal, the former bodyguard of Sean “Diddy” Combs, has shocked the public with an extraordinary revelation in the Hulu documentary The Honorable Shyne. Deal claims...
Jake Paul defeated Mike Tyson via unanimous decision in an underwhelming fight on Netflix on Friday night, which went about as expected. Tyson looked his age,...
On Friday night, 60 million people watched live on Netflix as Jake Paul beat Mike Tyson in eight rounds of a boxing match. It was a...
Whoopi Goldberg was forced to play referee during a fiery moment on The View on Monday (November 18). Tensions flared when hosts Sunny Hostin and Alyssa...
Kate, the Princess of Wales, appeared alongside the Royal Family as they appeared at a Remembrance Day event in London on Saturday, marking the latest public...
You’d think Windsor Castle would have pretty tight and impenetrable security, but a farm on the royal property was broken into—and it was extremely close to...
So far, Taylor Swift has not been spotted at Highmark Stadium for the Kansas City Chiefs game against the Buffalo Bills on November 17. While Swift...
Why wasn’t Taylor Swift at the Kansas City Chiefs-Buffalo Bills game on Sunday? The superstar singer was in Toronto for an “Eras Tour” concert the night...
Jimmy Kimmel blasted Donald Trump‘s cabinet picks during his monologue on Wednesday night’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” saying “the clown car is filling up fast.”...